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название pitch-synchronous-overlap-and-add-algorithm
язык английский
определение 1 This technique is often used in speech processing to change the pitch of a speech signal without affecting its duration. A very simple technique to modify the pitch would be by changing the duration of the speech signal, lengthening it to decrease the pitch and shortening it to increase the pitch.<…> PSOLA can also be applied to modify the duration of a speech signal while preserving the original pitch characteristics. PSOLA techniques are known to produce highly natural output provided that the modification amounts are small, the pitch period does not change rapidly and it can be measured correctly.
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Встречается дескриптор в (SourceDescriptor)
Источник частота
Книга Dutoit T.  
Встречается дескриптор в разделе источника (SourceDescriptorPart)
Источник Раздел источника
Книга Dutoit T.  
Дается определение в (SourceDef)
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