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название voder
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определение 1 The Voder (from Voice Operating Demonstrator) generates synthesized speech by means of a console with fifteen touch-sensitive keys and a pedal, basically consisting of the "second half" of the vocoder, but with manual filter controls, needing a highly trained operator. The Voder was an initial research machine to test compression schemes for human voice along copper wires and voice encryption using radio. It consisted of a series of oscillators using radio valves to produce tones, and gas discharge tubes to produce noise (hiss), the sound or output was modified using a series of filters. The filters were controlled by a set of keys and a foot pedal to convert the hisses and tones into vowels, consonants, and inflections. This was a complex machine to operate, and produce sounds similar to human speech. In 1948 Werner Myer Eppler recognized the capability of the Voder machine to generate electronic music.
автор словарной статьи Кривнова О.Ф.
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