Свойства объекта
название domain-specific synthesis
язык английский
определение 1 This type of synthesis concatenates prerecorded words and phrases to create complete utterances. It is used in applications where the variety of texts the system will output is limited to a particular domain, like transit schedule announcements or weather reports. The technology is very simple to implement, and has been in commercial use for a long time, in devices like talking clocks and calculators. The level of naturalness of these systems can be very high because the variety of sentence types is limited, and they closely match the prosody and intonation of the original recordings.But these systems are not general-purpose and can only synthesize the combinations of words and phrases with which they have been preprogrammed. The blending of words within naturally spoken language however can still cause problems unless the many variations are taken into account. The sound alternation cannot be reproduced by a simple word-concatenation system, which would require additional complexity to be context-sensitive.
автор словарной статьи Кривнова О.Ф.
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Интернет энциклопедия «Wikipedia»  
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Источник определение
Интернет энциклопедия «Wikipedia» 1