Свойства объекта
название suprasegmental transcription
язык английский
определение 1 The suprasegmental level of the description of speech considers all factors which can be potentially prolonged beyond the domain of the phonetic segment. An analysis of settings explores the suprasegmental distribution and relation of features which run through of two or more segments. Up to whole utterances. Other suprasegmental factors are normally regarded as property of units larger than segment, such as the syllable and the utterance. Examples of these are the suprasegmental patterns of pitch, loudness, rate, continuity and rhythm. Pitch and loudhess are perceptual correlates of the frequency of vibration of the vocal folds and acoustical intensity of the voice respectively. Rhythm is a complex perceptual pattern of the relative prominence of stressed and unstressed syllables. Rate is the overall tempo of speaking. Continuity is the matter of the incidence of pauses in the stream of speech.
определение 2 Spoken language rarely consists of isolated speech sounds. Instead, vowels and consonants are combined to form larger units such as syllables, phrases, and sentences. <…>. The examination of aspects of speech that extend beyond individual vowels and consonants is known as the study of suprasegmentals or prosody. <…>. The principal suprasegmental features are stress, length, tone and intonation. While the term suprasegmental implies the difference between the properties of individual segments and properties over longer stretches of speech
, it is important to consider prosodic structure as an integral part of the speech signal.
автор словарной статьи Кривнова О.Ф.
Связи объекта
Ассоциируется с (RelatedTerm)
speech analysis
speech segmentation
Встречается дескриптор в (SourceDescriptor)
Источник частота
Книга Laver J.  
Встречается дескриптор в разделе источника (SourceDescriptorPart)
Источник Раздел источника
Книга Laver J.  
Дается определение в (SourceDef)
Источник определение
Книга Laver J. 1
Учебник Reetz H. and Jongman A. 2
Подобласть знаний(SubArea)
Подобласть знаний
1.3. Автоматическая обработка звучащей речи – Speech Signal Processing
2.2.1. Автоматическое распознавание речи – Automatic speech recognition
2.2.2. Автоматический синтез речи – Automatic speech synthesis
2.4.2. Речевые корпуса – Speech corpora
СО1.1. Теоретическая фонетика и фонология – Theoretical Phonetics and Phonology
Синоним (Syn)
prosodic transcription
Эквивалент на другом языке (Trans)
супрасегментная транскрипция