Свойства объекта
название impressionistic phonetic transcription
язык английский
определение 1 A transcription in which the symbols indicate only the general phonetic value of the sounds.
определение 2 There are many intermediate levels of transcription between broad and narrow transcription. The amount of details depends on the application and on the experience and training of the transcriber. Imagine that the assignment is to transcribe an unknown language. It is not known which phonetic properties
Will turn out to be important, and, consequently, you will have to include initially as much phonetic details as possible. Such a transcription will be very narrow and lack word boundaries because no words of the language are known yet. This level of transcription is known as impressionistic or general phonetic transcription.
автор словарной статьи Кривнова О.Ф.
Связи объекта
Ассоциируется с (RelatedTerm)
narrow phonetic transcription
Встречается дескриптор в (SourceDescriptor)
Источник частота
Учебник Ladefoged P.  
Встречается дескриптор в разделе источника (SourceDescriptorPart)
Источник Раздел источника
Учебник Ladefoged P.  
Выше (BT)
phonetic transcription
Дается определение в (SourceDef)
Источник определение
Учебник Ladefoged P. 1
Учебник Reetz H. and Jongman A. 2
Подобласть знаний(SubArea)
Подобласть знаний
1.3. Автоматическая обработка звучащей речи – Speech Signal Processing
2.4.2. Речевые корпуса – Speech corpora
СО1.1. Теоретическая фонетика и фонология – Theoretical Phonetics and Phonology
Синоним (Syn)
general phonetic transcription
impressionistic phonetic transcription
Эквивалент на другом языке (Trans)
импрессионистическая фонетическая транскрипция