Свойства объекта
название optional valency
язык английский
определение 1 Optional valency slot does not have to be filled for the sentence to be grammatical. A contextually optional complement is an element that is dependent on the predicator in form but which does not have to be expressed syntactically if and only if the argument it represents is identifiable from the context. An optional complement is an element that is dependent on the predicator in form but which does not have to be expressed syntactically at all.
определение 2 For a word in a balanced corpus of modern texts, an optional valency is a context feature which is between the highly probable appearance and highly improbable one. The threshold values assigned for distinguishing obligatory from optional, and optional from occasional are 66% and 33% respectively. The occasional context features are not registered as valencies
автор словарной статьи Кононенко И.С.
комментарий или Node Label = obligatoriness of realization
Связи объекта
Встречается дескриптор в (SourceDescriptor)
Источник частота
Статья Herbst T.  
Выше род (BTG)
Дескриптор Аспект деления иерархии
syntactic valency realizability
Дается определение в (SourceDef)
Источник определение
Статья Azarowa I.V. 2
Статья Herbst T. 1
Подобласть знаний(SubArea)
Подобласть знаний
1.1. Компьютерная семантика – Computational semantics
СО1.3. Синтаксис и лексическая семантика – Syntax and Lexical semantics
Эквивалент на другом языке (Trans)
факультативная валентность