Автор Публикации Название публикации Язык публикации Дата публикации Тип публикации
Asgard: A Portable Architecture for Multilingual Dialogue Systems английский 2013 статья
King, S.
Merritt, T.
Attributing modelling errors in HMM synthesis by stepping gradually from natural to modelled speech английский 2015 статья
Lu, L.
Zhang, Y.
Deep Beamforming Networks for Multi-Channel Speech Recognition английский 2016 статья
King, S.
Wu, Z.
Deep neural network employing multi-task learning and stacked bottleneck features for speech synthesis. английский 2015 статья
Ghoshal, А.
Renals, S.
Swietojanski, P.
Hybrid acoustic models for distant and multichannel large vocabulary speech recognition английский 2013 статья
Swietojanski, P. Investigation of maxout networks for speech recognition английский 2014 статья
Methods for applying dynamic sinusoidal models to statistical parametric speech synthesis английский 2015 статья
Lu, L.
Renals, S.
Multi-frame factorisation for long-span acoustic modelling английский 2015 статья
Zhang, Y. Prediction-Adaptation-Correction Recurrent Neural Networks for Low-Resource Language Speech Recognition английский 2016 статья
Recognizing English Queries in Mandarin Voice Search английский 2011 статья
Glass, J. Towards Unsupervised Speech Processing английский 2012 статья