Автор Публикации Название публикации Язык публикации Дата публикации Тип публикации
A Self-Labeling Speech Corpus: Collecting Spoken Words with an Online Educational Game   2009 статья
Artificial personality and disfluency английский 2015 статья
Moore, K. R. Computer Speech & Language английский   журнал
King, S.
Merritt, T.
Wu, Z.
Deep neural network context embeddings for model selection in rich-context HMM synthesis английский 2015 статья
Lu, L.
Renals, S.
Feature-space speaker adaptation for probabilistic linear discriminant analysis acoustic models английский 2015 статья
Growing a Spoken Language Interface on Amazon Mechanical Turk английский 2011 статья
Intelligibility analysis of fast synthesized speech английский 2014 статья
King, S.
Merritt, T.
Investigating source and filter contributions, and their interaction, to statistical parametric speech synthesis английский 2014 статья
Speech Communication английский   журнал
Glass, J. Speech Recognition without a Lexicon - Bridging the Gap between Graphemic and Phonetic Systems английский 2014 статья
Using linguistic predictability and the Lombard effect to increase the intelligibility of synthetic speech in noise. английский 2014 статья