Свойства объекта
название semantic role
язык английский
определение 1 A semantic role is the underlying relationship that a participant has with the main verb in a clause. Semantic role is the actual role a participant plays in some real or imagined situation, apart from the linguistic encoding of those situations. The semantic roles most often embodied by the grammatical relations of subject, object and indirect object in natural languages are: agent, force, instrument, experiencer, recipient, and patient. Other semantic roles are more likely to be embodied in oblique (adpositional) phrases or adverbials.
определение 2 The semantic role that a noun or noun phrase plays in relation to a verb in a clause. For example, a clause containing a verb of movement will also include a noun phrase specifying some at least of the following: the agent (the mover), the theme (the thing moved), the source (where it came from), the path (what it moved along), the goal (where it went to), and the manner (how it moved). In the linguistics literature there is often a variety of different terms for what is essentially the same case role, e.g. theme is used as an alternative term for patient and source is also referred to as from-loc.
определение 3 Semantic roles are one of the oldest classes of constructs in linguistic theory, dating back thousands of years to Panini’s kāraka theory Sets of semantic roles range from the very specific to the very general, and many have been used in computational implementations of one type or another.At the specific end of the spectrum are domain-specific roles such as the FROM AIRPORT,TO AIRPORT,or DEPART TIME,or verb-specific roles such as EATER and EATEN for the verb eat.The opposite end of the spectrum consists of theories with only two «proto-roles» or «macroroles»: PROTO-AGENT and PROTOPATIENT.In between lie many theories with approximately ten roles,such as Fillmore (1971)’s list of nine:AGENT,EXPERIENCER,INSTRUMENT,OBJECT,SOURCE,GOAL,LOCATION,TIME,and PATH.The FrameNet project (1998) proposes roles that are neither as general as the ten abstract thematic roles,nor as specific as the thousands of potential verb-specific roles.
автор словарной статьи Кононенко И.С.
Связи объекта
Встречается дескриптор в (SourceDescriptor)
Источник частота
Словарь Glossary of linguistic terms  
Выше целое (BTP)
semantic valency
Дается определение в (SourceDef)
Источник определение
Словарь Glossary of linguistic terms 1
Статья Gildea D. and Jurafsky D. 3
Учебник-обзор Mitkov R. (ed) 2003 2
Подобласть знаний(SubArea)
Подобласть знаний
1.1. Компьютерная семантика – Computational semantics
СО1.3. Синтаксис и лексическая семантика – Syntax and Lexical semantics
Синоним (Syn)
case relation
case role
deep case
participant role
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Эквивалент на другом языке (Trans)
семантическая роль
Экземпляр класса (NTI)
addressee (semantic role)
agent (semantic role)
(Всего: 9)